Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Owen Jones- Why 'chavs' were the riots' scapegoat.

This was an article written by Owen Jones about the London Riots of 2012. He highlights at the start of his article stating that the riots are a prime example of the demonisation of the working class. The selected part of text above demonstrates some of the generation that occurred towards the class. Jones also states that the riots repairs will cost a lot of tax payers money as such MPs are baying for the rioters blood however when MPs where found 'systematically milking the expenses system. Only three ended up behind bars.'And when MP Gerald Kaufman claimed £8.750 of tax payers money , he was just asked to pay it back. This defiantly shows that the justice system is 'blind to wealth and power.' Most of the rioters where also male , nine out of ten of individuals arrested where men. Jones puts this down to the de-industrilisation of and as a result the disappearance of skilled jobs. 

In an interview with Newsnight Jones was in a debate against David Starkey (historian) :
Key points form the debate:
  • Enoc Powell - ' The rise of blood.'
  • He claims and blames black culture.
  • Dreda say Mitchell then pointed out that he was making it a very ' them' and 'us' situation. She calls for an end to blame culture.
  • it is also pointed out the Starkey is essentially saying that ' white culture has adopted black culture.' 
  • Jones then argues back that Starkey from that is saying white people are solely seen as 'respectable.' Which is quite correctly rubbish and that the comments that Starkey is making appalling.
  • Starkey also made a link between rap and rioting on the street, ' Glorifies' it.
  • But the Mitchell argues that rap videos actually highlight that rap videos are' Materialist videos' and show the negative sides of consumerism to bring about change. 
  •   Modern gang culture.
  • ' 1 in 2 kids in Tottenham grow up in poverty. Harassment by police.
  • 'Endless consumerism.' 
  • Materialism.
  • ' we let the banks off.'
  • Showing Starkey's comments ' dropping black and white culture interchangeably as good and bad.'
  • 'Black culture links to gang culture.' - Starkey.
  • Jones conter argument - 1 in 5 young people cannot get a job as such have no job, needs addressing otherwise riots are going to keep happening again. 

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