Thursday, 9 March 2017

Group Crit - Collaboration- The Royal Ballet.


Do the abstract patterns work? Bold shapes , brighter colours?

  • It's good that is it abstracts. Works better for a more figurative approach. Bolder and brighter colours are a really good idea.
  • But DANGER- It doesn't want to become too gig poster like as this will give off the wrong impressions of what the ballet is like, not a true reflection. It could almost be miss selling the product.
  • Euro 2012- Football presented as an art form.
  • Think way beyond what they are asking you for - example - try and get free tickets from Royal opera house. Be experianal and ask. But also be carful that you stick to just mainly focusing on the royal opera house not the institutions like Northern Ballet. 
  • Getting under the skin of people - why do films like la la land and black swan become so popular and yet theatres do not get attend by the same audience.
  • Include the narrative of ballet , the drama and narratives could be included in the imagery? Relate more closely to die hard.
  • Watch red shoes.
  • challenge them - ask why ?
  • The poster should echo the message , the trailer for example should enforce it.
  • Look at other sources that maybe don't relate to the brief for example the 1975's performance at the brits. It was initially thought to be highjacked but works text appeared during the performance. But this was a request by the band and they are critical comments from people on social media and they have turned the comments on there head and made them part of there piece.   

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