Monday, 6 March 2017

Developing final design for Coldblood


Done my final cover and overall I am happy with it. Taking the type based approach to the image met the brief but was a challenge. When I have done type base images before I haven't been successful and so was anxious when it came to cutting and making my own type. But I found that cutting out the letters large scale allowed me when editing to shrink rather then enlarge so it kept it form and didn't pixelate. I can also reuse this type face in other briefs as I still have the linos and prints. The type as a whole works which I am surprised at. From working on the cover before. when I put the text together it didn't work that well, the title and smaller captions looked like different type faces. But it seems more consistant and neater in this cover. 
Using just type and colour has also worked well , even though it is more graphic design based there is still and illustrative element to it, the overlapping of the letters and the colour. Using the letters as background shapes and forming the words around them helped me make a fairly successful composition. They way cold and blood have been positioned could be better however I still like it how it is. I wanted the Journalistic element to come across strongly in this cover as it is referred to in the blurb as a work of journalism. And it is , through out the whole book Capote acts almost like reporter and gives the different account of the story from each persons perspective. 
I didn't want to illustrate the death scene as I think the book itself dose a really good job of it and it was one thing that shocked me whilst reading and I think illustrating it on the cover could take away from the impact that the description has. 

Screen printing the final image was a good idea. I gives the image a really lovely visual quality and emphasizes the hand made and mass print concept of an object like a newspaper concept. Love the colours and printing them helped the to blend better and also made them slightly brighter. Happy with the submission and I think I have overcome a problem in my practise which was avoiding type so really pleased that I have made a piece of work that is just type based and looks good. 

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