Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Final second print.

It was a long process screen printing this image. I really anted to cut an A3 lino, Mainly because I had more room for detail and image but also I wanted to push myself to see if I could create an image big enough to exists within the large frame. And I managed it and I now really want to go bigger in the future , A1 maybe? Then when it came to screen printing this the first time, due to working at a large scale , I had to shrink the image down on photoshop and it was only when I started printing I realised the image was blurred. this cause the print to look a mess e.g. image on the left.  so started again , and second time much better. 

Cutting the A3 lino was really time consuming but it turned out okay.However I still have another 3 prints to do , I really need to speed up! 
The context behind this image is the panther is surrounded by a pattern inspired by finger prints(identity)  and this is surrounded by tabacco leaves which where farmed by people in slavery in the 1800's and today. I wanted it to be a power symbol or a symbol of powerful identity, not sure weather this comes across, but feed back from the crit will give me a better idea. But I feel that I could have done a better job of illustrating it and spent more time working out what I wanted to say in a more concise way. But I am happy that I used colour in a more obvious way compared to the last print , I adds depth and makes the image look more appealing, rather then just black and white.

In my next print I really want to try and move away from the panther as the main point of focus and  on other aspects, otherwise I can see the prints getting very repetitive and it would make for a more interesting set if they where some variation within it. Overall with this current print I am happy to leave it there but I just wish that I had spent more time on development. 

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