Monday, 16 January 2017

In Cold Blood cover analysis - Penguin Modern classics.

  • Simple elements used that do create quite a complex cover. 
  • I think that all of the covers involved in this vast series that penguin has created work cohesively together . But they are slightly boring I think. The type and black and white images over the covers dose get repetitive. And even though most book in the market don't really have the composition of photomontage of the real life individuals involved in the story, it dose give the cover quite a sinister tone. 
  • Not to sure about the type however , it is quite hard to read against the already black and white background. It seems to get a but lot.
  • I think colour will be key in the cover I am going to make as it could help communicate the mood I am trying to get across. And i think that cover lacks that value. 
  •  This cover dose communicate no fiction however. using real imagery definitely suggests that there is a real story behind it. And once you have read the book you really start to understand what the images are of and it is sinister because you have images of the family and the crime scene. and you also get a small grasp of who Capote is from the images too. 

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