1. Which practical skills and methodologies have you developed within this module and how effectively do you think you are employing them within your own practice?
Within this module I have developed my Photoshop and Indesign skills massively and grown in confidence when using them. I think that I have used both programs well as I was able to successful set up the indesign document to print at the right scale and size; I also mainly used Photoshop to put my images together and am happy with the aesthetic it has helped me to create. Another was Learning how to correct discolorations in the images but using the paint brush to carefully go around the pages and getting rid of it, makes the colours even. I made my first Concertina book, However folded the mock up wrong so I solved the problem by reprinting and measuring each width of the pages carefully so it folded and closed evenly.
2. Which approaches to research have you found most valuable during this module. How have you interrogated your research to identify appropriate ideas?
Talking and listening to people I found was the most valuable approach. From talking to Frank Tolley for example I was able to go away develop story ideas around the information and stories he gave me about his life and his first bombing raid and then going away and doing secondary research you find out more. Also when thoughts ideas didn’t work, I then found some more secondary research from his history in the RAF which gave me my final story about the staving Dutch village. So from just talking to one individual you can uncover and unpick all of this information which can help to form ideas.
3. What strengths can you identify within your submission and how have you capitalised on these? What aspects of your submission are you satisfied with?
I think that the craft skills I used within my Paper cutting of the villages’ faces and the crows in particular is strong, and it was a process that I really enjoyed doing because it allowed me to add fine details and I used it as the main technique in my final picture book. However it is a time consuming process. I am happy with some of the compositions of some of the pages, page six again in particular. I really like how the faces look in pain and how they are reaching up trying to get out, also with a small starving person crawling along the top being swapped by crows. I think it is the panicle of the book and is a powerful image.
4. What areas for further development can you identify within your submission and how will you address these in the future?
When looking back through the final book, I not so sure that it communicates well because there are so many things going on a once and it has been a really hard situation to try and illustrate. From showing other people who don’t know what the story is about, they get the gist but they don’t seem to full grasp the idea. And I think that I could have made some of the imagery much more obvious as to what it was trying to show and say. Spending more time of the story and less on the artwork could have helped. I also think that the design (the type) of the front cover is very week and it is something that I need to take the time to study more in the future because I think it lets the book down. I really wish I could have developed it more, but due to the time constrains getting the book printed I had to make up a really quick front and back cover.
5. How effectively are you making decisions about the development of your work?
Throughout the project I have taken the time to develop and investigate the research and the artwork of my book. Although at times I feel I have been rushing to decision due to the different time constraints. One example after a while of experimenting, if an idea isn’t working I changed it for example the story, however it did take me a bit of time to think of ways to tell it and this delayed me and I feel that if I had spent more time on the initial story then I would have made more sense, and I was so worried about time that I feel that I rush to a decision too quickly.
What strategies informs this decision making?
By experimenting a lot with different textures and ways to make the characters and the artwork for the book I think helped me to find the best decision. But the process of developing the artwork in sperate piece and putting then together using Photoshop was a good idea. I was able to change and play around with the composition and make effective decision more easily and quickly. Coming up with different storyboard ideas as well. It was an effective way to get my ideas down on paper and from this I was able to pick the best bits from each on and form a final idea. But I feel I could have done more and it would have really improved the communication of the books theme/idea.
6. How effectively have you managed this project and organised yourself during this module?
At the very beginning of the project I organised the research trip straight away and by going straight on the trip the Wednesday instead of the Friday, I think that I gained extra vital research time. But after that I struggled over Christmas to organise my working time and got lost in a really hard idea. However when I came back I started time tabling and this really helped me see how much time I have left and where I need to be and when. It also helped me set mini deadlines for myself and if I didn’t meet these deadlines then I would stay behind after studio hours and work till late to make sure the task get done and I can move on the next day.
7.How would
you grade yourself on the following areas:
indicate using an ‘x’)
excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
Quantity of
work produced
Quality of
work produced
to the group
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