Monday, 8 May 2017

final print 7

I decided to create an extra image because there was a subject that I researched which I wanted to try and tackle and it was the BBC report on a photogrpahers work ,capturing the survivors of shootings. I fell like this project has been sliding towards the negative side of this and I just want to create a positive image to finish on the for the same reasons as the photographer , to celebrate these people.

I was really intrigued by the scaring that had occurred as a result of the attacks , the stomach scaring especially seemed to be almost pattern like, with the scar line running down the middle and the stitch line around the outside.

Using this as a basis , I wanted to experiment and play with creating an abstract pattern from it using a similar colour scheme to the rest of my illustrations but I wanted it to be bold. Due to time constraints I decide not to use any Lino cuts for this and just to draw onto Koda trace and use that to estimated where the shapes would overlay each other. I am finding this technique increasingly useful especially when needing to respond quickly.  It doesn't have the same sort of quality but it dose feel a lot more free flowing and spontaneous which is an aspect I think my work lacks.

With the patterns and shapes based on the scars , foiling it added an extra level. It made the image fell to have value and whilst also enhancing the aesthetic. Overall , I do feel that this image is slightly out of context with the rest but it could still be used within editorial or maybe even campaigning because mocking it up I have replied that because it is a pattern it can fit into lots of different applications. so it could be used of campaign t-shirts, bag, banners, all with the aim of raising awareness of the survivors and of gun crime.

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