It took a bit of playing around to get this idea to work. I originally wanted add in the full whale in the box but found out the I really wasn't happy with the Lino I had cut for that so decided to use the other one I made, which had much stronger details and could be seen clearly.
I also encountered another problem when enorperating the Lino with the background. So I decided to use extracts from Linos I made for Batsford Prize and add them into the design to make the elements of the image to mix well. I think that this has worked well in the end and making the background using a china graph maker was a good idea as it adds a softer tone rather then overcrowding the image with lots of lines and detail. I also really love how the colours overlap and if I make the mid ground and fore ground of the image darker colours all the elements can be seen clearly.
Originally in the above images there was much more plant on top of the box, this cause the box to loose its shape slightly and so I decided to trim it down slightly and this made the shape more obvious. The line work as well I'm happy with and on a small scale will be a really detailed image. Not sure about the body thought , I would have liked to have put more time and thought into how this feature could work but unfortunately I had quite a limited dead line on this so needed to come up and compose the idea fast so I have time to screen print it. It is worth screen printing it because it dose give the image a quality and the colours mix and blend together better, making the image feel more as one rather then different elements put together on Photoshop. I need to get this printed but once that is done I will be able to find points for improvement.
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