Friday, 17 February 2017

Facts about Moby and mini project proposal.

  • As a child Moby was a small fragile child and this was the reason he was called Moby. After the whale from Herman Melville's Moby Dick.
  • His mother and grandmother both worked full time , Moby was often left to his own devises. Spent a lot of time allown ' and a lot of time spent at me grandmothers house which was rambling and old and had big overgrown garden's , so there where a lot of places to get lost and entertain myself. I am grateful that as a little boy, I had lots of strange and interesting places to play.'
  • Listen to his grandma playing different genres of music and this is where he says he get his inspiration from and he started playing guitar age 9.
  • Electronic and dance music.
  • He has a deep christen faith' when I say I love christ and love the techings of christ , I mean that in the most simple and naive way.' 
  • Moby is also a dedicated vegan and animal rights activist, which has brought him scorn in the entertainment industry.' I run into a lot of people who are instantly filled with ridicule at the idea that someone wouldn't eat meat.' 
  • He also had a problem with alcaholism and now is fully sober and often talks about this struggle. 
  • ' Music can always serve a role in people's lives when it's emotional and warm and inventing a beautiful.' 
Project proposal:
  • I don't want to create a portrait of Moby. I want to respect his wishes of not having his photo taken which means not depicting his face as he is publicly criticising a now very powerful man and this means that he wants the protection. But there is nothing stopping me working around that and using his background information for example the meaning behind his name and key moments of his child hood and the covering this with a metaphor to represent trumps oppression. 
  • Print is going be my main medium as I can make the image really detailed and colour as well as playing around with the composition on photoshop to make sure it is correct. 
  • Also I want to try and incorpate his beliefs in what he music dose in some way and also how in some of his music videos he seems to be alone and I think that this is a refection of his childhood and himself so this is an important factor.   

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