Sunday, 26 February 2017

In cold blood design development.

In Cold Blood roughs

  • I think I am going to try and compose the cover with using the letters as a basis with which to build the cover up from. As in the brief it states that there need to be a strong use of typography , so building up from the type make more sense then trying to build from an image. 
  • Overlaying the type also seems like a stronger idea, it would work really well if screen printed and I think will look great, especially if I get the colour scheme right.
  • Working with type also makes me think about design first and image second. I think that this is the best way to approach this cover , in order to meet the brief requirements. 
  • I need to experiment more on photoshop to get the full effect , but with my hand cut type it should be okay and neater. 

In cold blood complete re think.

Even though I am going to be quite tight on time I am not happy to leave cold blood cover as it was. It can be much stronger on the type front ,and I don't think that the cover I currently have made wanders the brief and WHY am I did I not use print. I know that it is a technique that works well with the way I think and my thought process.  I have a strong understanding of how the final image would work and which techniques to use to get the best results. Screen print as well had a lovely aesthetic that differs from digital images and has a the hand aspect to it which for a book like cold blood which is about humans and had a journalistic approach print just suites the genre and themes.
So I have cut out nearly the whole alphabet out of Lino. The reason for doing this is that I really do not like the any of the digital type on photoshop, for features like the title. It feels out of place and I find it  little bit lazy, hand created type makes it more personal and has a better quality. You can play around with scale, colour and composition more. it allows for a more interesting and experimental cover.
Even though it took a few hours it was worth it because It works much better then I thought and I can use this type in the further for other projects.


Friday, 24 February 2017

Gerry Brakus - New Statesman vist.

-Final image.

Notes from talk-

  • The Newspaper tends to have Long dense features .
  • Political /cultural , half and half.
  • Commission more illustrators than photographers.
  • People who find a different ways to get the attention.
  • Different and Innovative.
  • When writing or sending them anything make sure you check the name , job title and get them correct.
  • Have a direction- focus - strength.
  • Newstateman works a lot with Ralph Steadman, Consitently working , Reads the magazine and as a general note all the creatives involved in illustrating the features work in collaboration with the paper.
  • If job gets 'killed' then a kill fee is offered which it up to half of the full paying fee or if the job is really bad then not at all.
  • Context is important and layout too.
  • Social Media good fro capturing attention.
  • A-froman Peck.
  • Shpiegal front cover.
  • Newstateman has a Couscous readership- liberal -scared?
  • America is more open to more graphic illustration and Germany and France as well.
  • Roughs are a key stage.
When she came to look at my work she was very keen on the aesthetic and the way I had chosen to approach the brief using more conceptual ideas. Even though I didn't directly awnser the brief she said that definitely publish it to go along side a cultural piece, and the image could be a single or double page spread. This made me realise that editorial illustration isn't just about the political features it also covers anything that goes into the magazine. This is really good news as I found I struggled with getting across the political side of Moby and enjoyed my more creating a narrative out of the different elements. Also right at the very end before she was about to leave I gave her one of my prints with my contact details on and she said to definitely email her , and that she is going to send another brief though that is a creative writing brief that I am definitely going to do. I really want to push Newstatesman further and create a really good impression and try and inertivew Gerry for my PPP interview.

Colours May Vary trip and talk.

From looking round colours may vary you get an idea of the kind of products that are sold and selling at the shop. They try and keep up with the contemporary market selling products for example small Ceramic sculptures , note books , wrapping paper and artist books. They tend to scores these locally and from other countries like Berlin. But they also said that since Brexit there interest charge for bring the products over has increased a lot and this is having an effect on there income as a result.

Other points made in talk:

  • The shop was made out of Redundancy Money.
  • Provides also Magazines , Prints and Porducts.
  • It filled the space in which when Habbitat and Boarders left the headrow for home based products.
  • Exhabitons spaces- Drew Millward, Felt Mistress.
  • When proposing any products to them it has to fit within the asethetic of the shop.
  • Best to email them with work and let them absorb what they have seen then start communication from there.
  • They like quality and process. However cheap well done processes like risograph printing instead of hand /screen printing the images.
  • Yuck print house is good fro Risogrpah printing.
  • Presentation is key. 
  • Dose the process match the design of the image?
  • Trying to find ways to fund experimentation from new graduates.
  • Artist worked with :
  • Hungry Sandwich .
  • Lord Whitney.
  • Wilfred Temanious.
  • Matt Kelly.
  • Aden- print Lino cuts.' he man'
  • Craige Oldham.
  • Lost fox - prints.
  • Arch - studios.
  • Varoom. 
Piece in the shop that I likes:


Thursday, 23 February 2017

Ballet Survey Responses.

It was really interesting to see that after we had played the trick question on the people who awnsered the survey how the numbers increased of people who would potentially want to go to the ballet. This could be point that needs to be emphasised on more perhaps. We also wanted to investigate the social media platforms that people are most likely to use , as we have been thinking of using social media as a platform with which to get more young people engaged in ballet.  It was also interesting to see how expensive people thought ballet tickets where. We did some initial research into this and around the average cost was around £16-£18 , so when people where saying over £60 we found that this surprising and that it was a good demonstration of how Ballet ticket prices are poorly advertised, and that they need to be made more aware of prices.  However there are many other issues other than the pricing for example people need to want to go and see it before prices are discussed and so we asked what they thought would encourage them to go the ballet:

  • Free alcohol and ticket offers tended to be in favour.

Responsive Collaboration Contract.

Megan Naylor- Wardle and Bethany Ewens.

BRIEF TITLE: Royal opera house – Ballet.

What are you looking for in a creative partner? What are your aims?

Graphic Designer – Type , composition, Layout.
Bright Visuals that are eye catching , youthful Modern.
To make Ballet more interesting to young people.

What are your specific areas of creative interest?

Type- print , scale Bold pattern colour layout.

What specific creative skills do you have to offer in relation to a creative partnership? How do you intend to use them?

Print , illustration skill for example – application of colour , pattern design , different way thinking visually.

What specific non-creative skills do you have to offer in relation to a creative partnership? How do you intend to use them?

Time Management, origination, communication, idea / brainstorm, sharing resorseces , task sharing.

What do you see your specific roles be in the collaboration?

Pattern Making , printing , Both involved idea generating , visual communicators, and organising the meeting.
Analoge print – printing.

What will your individual responsibilities be in the collaboration?

See above.

What will your joint responsibilities be? How will you deal with your project costs and budget?

-       Cost
-       Time
-       Oragnisation.
-       Planning meetings
-       Workload managing .

Partner 1-Bethany Ewens.                           Partner 2- Megan Naylor- Wardle.                               


Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Royal Ballet- Mood Board for design ideas.

This is a mixture of mine and Baths ideas for what our visual designs should look like and I think in some aspects we are on the same lines for example, strong use of type , blog bright colours and an element of deconstruction , mixing up the body features which could be a really interesting lead possibly.

New statesman - Moby-near finals.

It took a bit of playing around to get this idea to work. I originally wanted add in the full whale in the box but found out the I really wasn't happy with the Lino I had cut for that so decided to use the other one I made, which had much stronger details and could be seen clearly.
I also encountered another problem when enorperating the Lino with the background. So I decided to use extracts from Linos I made for Batsford Prize and add them into the design to make the elements of the image to mix well. I think that this has worked well in the end and making the background using a china graph maker was a good idea as it adds a softer tone rather then overcrowding the image with lots of lines and detail. I also really love how the colours overlap and if I make the mid ground and fore ground of the image darker colours all the elements can be seen clearly.
Originally in the above images there was much more plant on top of the box, this cause the box to loose its shape slightly and so I decided to trim it down slightly and this made the shape more obvious. The line work as well I'm happy with and on a small scale will be a really detailed image. Not sure about the body thought , I would have liked to have put more time and thought into how this feature could work but unfortunately I had quite a limited dead line on this so needed to come up and compose the idea fast so I have time to screen print it. It is worth screen printing it because it dose give the image a quality and the colours mix and blend together better, making the image feel more as one rather then different elements put together on Photoshop. I need to get this printed but once that is done I will be able to find points for improvement.  

Monday, 20 February 2017

Moby original layers before printing.

I used several different mediums to create the image instead of just using lino. I decided to colour the background based on patterns that I had roughed out in my sketchbook. I tested
out colour schemes and how the shapes could work if they were overlaid with each other. I quickly drew the shapes on two separate layers of Koda trace and then plan for them to be printed then separately overlaying each other.  I think that this part of the
image worked well as it felt to give the picture more flow and freedom rather than a blocky static image which most of my images tend to be.

In order to save time, I re used the background pattern that
I made for the Batsford prints to make the seaweed on the
outside of the box. This helped blend the two elements, the
background and the whale together. I hope this will also added this in for
more detail giving the image a successful aesthetic that
makes it interesting to look at makes the viewer have to look
to uncover the whole image.

Software and Packaging workshop.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Moby roughs.

Taking all of the factors that I have highlighted into account about Moby I think I may have an idea that I can run with. Key elements such , when he was small he liked to play when in lots of strange and interesting places. He is dedicated Vegan and animal rights activist and in his music videos he seems to be lonely and isolated. I have come up with this idea of the whale, both a representation of him and his beliefs about animals. I also have the over shadow in some of the roughs. I want this to suggest dominance and oppression representing trump. And the box is containing the whale with a small figure inside. I am not sure about the over shadow I think the box is enough to show containment/ confident. I think that the shadow may be too much information. But I still really like the idea apart form that , so I think I am going to run with it.

Facts about Moby and mini project proposal.

  • As a child Moby was a small fragile child and this was the reason he was called Moby. After the whale from Herman Melville's Moby Dick.
  • His mother and grandmother both worked full time , Moby was often left to his own devises. Spent a lot of time allown ' and a lot of time spent at me grandmothers house which was rambling and old and had big overgrown garden's , so there where a lot of places to get lost and entertain myself. I am grateful that as a little boy, I had lots of strange and interesting places to play.'
  • Listen to his grandma playing different genres of music and this is where he says he get his inspiration from and he started playing guitar age 9.
  • Electronic and dance music.
  • He has a deep christen faith' when I say I love christ and love the techings of christ , I mean that in the most simple and naive way.' 
  • Moby is also a dedicated vegan and animal rights activist, which has brought him scorn in the entertainment industry.' I run into a lot of people who are instantly filled with ridicule at the idea that someone wouldn't eat meat.' 
  • He also had a problem with alcaholism and now is fully sober and often talks about this struggle. 
  • ' Music can always serve a role in people's lives when it's emotional and warm and inventing a beautiful.' 
Project proposal:
  • I don't want to create a portrait of Moby. I want to respect his wishes of not having his photo taken which means not depicting his face as he is publicly criticising a now very powerful man and this means that he wants the protection. But there is nothing stopping me working around that and using his background information for example the meaning behind his name and key moments of his child hood and the covering this with a metaphor to represent trumps oppression. 
  • Print is going be my main medium as I can make the image really detailed and colour as well as playing around with the composition on photoshop to make sure it is correct. 
  • Also I want to try and incorpate his beliefs in what he music dose in some way and also how in some of his music videos he seems to be alone and I think that this is a refection of his childhood and himself so this is an important factor.   

2nd Responsive meeting.- Royal Opera house.

Session time - 2 half hrs.

We started off the meeting lost as to what we where doing as last session we had come up with a tone of ideas and we had no solid plan.We also both had thoughts over the week that certain ideas where not going to work, for example creating merchandise , Beth made a good point that it is suppose to be an advertising campaign and so people who have never been to the Ballet before might not want bags with the Royal Opera House on.  And I also said that we might not be able to actually sell products with the logo as it is breaching copyright and we don't have the Opera Houses permission to do this. So we decided to scrap that idea.

   We decided to start off with making the survey and coming up with the questions. W also has a look at other people serves and it seems like we where asking similar questions. So when thinking about the questions we considered some of the research we had done so far. In last session we where looking into Northern Ballet and found that they had a productions of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas coming soon. This was interesting because you rarely see more modern and adaptation of Ballet , it is normally productions like Swan Lake and the Nutcracker. From this we found a load of productions that had been done by Northern Ballet which seems very contemporary and unexpected. Beth was keen that this could be a potential idea for a concept , the unexpected. This then formed one of our main questions in the survey , where we listed all ballets with traditional and new. We want to see how many people got that where not obvious choices and weather this then changed the perception on Ballet. 

After making the survey we had a think about which companies we wanted to contact. Northern Ballet , The Grand, Charity .When thinking about theatres in Leeds I pointed out that they are not that obvious. They are hidden away for example the city verities in the city centre is tucked down an ally way , not it a grand old red brick building. The Grand as well hidden up a street just out of the central shopping areas. This made me think that it would be a good idea to contact The Grand.
Beth brought another brought up another concern about involving a charity. How would they be useful to the brief and how could they be used as a tool for promoting Ballet. This was when I had the idea of getting in contact with The Grand and seeing if it could be possible to get some tickets for there latest Ballet coming soon Casanova and auctioning them off, and the money then goes to the charity.  But actually looking back at this idea we will need to go back and address this further.

We where also wanted to contact Northern Ballet and we both knew another group small that had the same idea. So we ask Elliot and his group if he wanted to group up with us and we gone as a group of 5 down to Northern Ballet to talk to them. Elliot said that he had emailed them a while ago and no reply , so Beth said she would try and ring them on Monday, if still nothing then we will write them a letter asking. 

We also made the deciton of what Beth and me should aim to do as a minimum:
  • Bus Stop - interactive bus stop ( using the snap chat filter).
  • Snapchat filter.
  • Screens in town.
  • And the posters.
So we came away from this session having made substantial progress , next time we are going to review the date that has come back from the survey that we both created and Beth set up. We have also decided that given the constraints of the deadline we are going to try and meet twice weekly. So fro next session I am going to create a mood board of poster that we have found that we like the look of , and I am going to start on visuals. - survey Link.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

21up Documentary.

  • State child ended up in oxford- physics.
  • Private - do you feel you have had equal options? ' People have more options and know. but struggle.' 
  • ' We have been taught to expect more'.
  • Documentary didn't show the progress to get to there desired places.
  • Equal options.
  • East end of London- State- have a life before family and marriage.
  • Work for travel company, married but works for Australian bank. 
  • Don't know what they are climbing for.
  • Family orientated. 
  • One private child left school at 16 , moved to paric and went to secritarial college. 
State Oppertunities:
  • more opertnitys, more happy with the opertunities they have had , feel for private , there furhter layed out for them. 
  • Travel loads. bit lost as what to do.
State: No/Yes, but you get the money eventally.

  • went into Law, Law, History (Duram) not oxford. 
  • Hunting- hear hunting- begels. Belive it is good , very british values.
  • Sking trips -parents pay.
  • All 3 privatly educated childerns parents divorced. 
  • All want sucsess- All 3 want to stay in england. 

  • Went onto Brick laying, freezer company, hardworkers but mot much encoragement to be asperational.
  • Believe happiness is the will to live.
  • Another example , left school at 15 - worked in stables , became the dream nearly but is a taxi driver now. Races grey hounds, Gambeling, Villian? , Criminal?
I feel like around half of the privately schooled childern from richer background gained what they set out to do but where to disaplined in there ways that they struggled to see any other options open to them other then going to boarding house and the university. And I feel that the state schooled childeren are happer in life becuase they have got the opertunitys they where expecting but still where not encoraged to be asperational enough. 

7up documentary.

The documentary is an experiment undertaken to try and see what the further generation would be like and also how you background define you. It follows a group of 10 boys and 4 girls most of them up till the age of 56, but the first documentary was filmed in 1964 and asks the children about there dreams , ambitions and there opinons about how class and other societys around them.

  • All the childern come from different backgrounds for example london council estate, Yorkshiredale - village school, Lierpool suberb- middle class, state school , the east end of london and private prep school - kensingtion- sing waltzing matilda in latin, Private boys school- Surry, School for girls. 
  • One re occuring featre within the private and public schools was that of how disaplined the childern where , some said they had been taught to accept it. 
  • Example of differance in disaplin: 
  • private all girls school- Classical Ballet.
  • Public school - movement to music.
  • state school- left to play in the playground (freedom).

  • After school:
  • upper- structred and to bed by 7
  • lower-lack of structure more freedom.

  • Mixing and segrigating genders:
  • Individuals from segrigated schools- dont really want to get married and childcare would be done by a nanny.
  • Childern from mixed gender schools talk about who likes who and some have girlfriends and boyfriends and talk about marrage later in there lives. They feel much more comfortable and open about speaking about the opposite gender compared to the childern who lived in the segrigated schools but these tended to be the all girls private schools and public schools. 

  • Poor and Rich:
  • Predjdise - money?
  • Public School- Not bad to pay for schools- becuase if not it would be crowded, nasty people- 'poor people would come rushing in"said one child.
  • There chosen to read the observer and the times.
  • The childeren from the state school where asked what would they do if they where rich ' Help the poor. if I had lots of money like £2'.
  • What do you think of rich people- ' They think they can do everything, without you dong it aswell. They think just because they are rich, people can do all the work for them.'
  • Childern from private school : What do you think about rich people :
  • ' Don't think much of there accents... poor childern don't bost about themselvers and rich childern bost about themselves and say how clever I am....'
  • ' Rich childeren always make fun of the poor childern'
  • State : same question;
  • Child dose an impression of a sterotypical posh person , stiff upper lip and well pronounced voice.
  • 'There nuts' , ' just have to touch then ...' and mines as thwack. 
  • From this there seems to be a mythology around what it is to be rich , as going to a privately paid school can be seen as rich and having the sterotypical traites of well pronounced voice and stiff upper lip. Some of the childern in the public and private schools can be said to have this and they don't seem to regard themselves as rich . So the question poses , What is rich ? 

  • What do you think about black people? 
  • State school: ' Just the same as us really'
  • Private' I don't want to know anybody who is black and don't want to know anyone who is black thank you very much.' 
  • It is interesting how the state school are more accepting and hold more equal belifs compared to Private/public schools. Could this be down to there background up bringing? 

What do they think of each other after meeting?
  • Private' Bit to tuff for my liking' 'some of them where rather dirty.'
  • State ' don't like the boys' seemed okay with the girls.

Likely outcomes for the childern baced on the genreral background:
  • Private- being prepared for uni and public school.
  • State- 3 out of 30 likely to gain a place at grammer school, the rest are likely to start work at 15. 
Examples of hopes and ambitions:
  • Private:
  • Westminster boarding - Cambridge.
  • Broad stairs - st peters court charter house , Cambridge.
  • Charter house - Oxford.
  • Heathviled, uni not sure which one.
  • ' Go to Africa and teach people who are not civilised to be good.'

  • State:
  • 'What dose university mean?'
  • Wait till i'm old enough to get a job , ill just walk around and see what I find.
  • Jockey.
  • Kathy Kirby.(singer)
  • I want to be a astronort if not a coach driver.
  • police
  • new house
  • work in woolworths.