Monday, 30 April 2018

Developments on 2nd editorial.

I change the idea for this piece so a clearer narrtive could be portrayed. I use a similar format to the last image. Making it a sequential piece rather than a singel image. I think using the bottle as a symbol of enclosement and issolation works. I could have played with this metophor more but decied that I should just get on with getting the piece of work out of the way. I spent longer on this piece that I wanted and it was hard to try and find an idea that would work. I was over thinking. The next challenge is to try and get some spot illustrations going , for a different subject. The subject of spies and nerve agent is a very heavy subject and I would quite like next to maybe do somthing , still with a strong narrtive but a bit lighter so I can play around with colour and animation more. Creating really in depth images dose restric that amount of movement I can make as I have create so many layers to make the intial image , and as a result it becomes very chaotic. I think that next major step is to condense down my ideas, foucs them and work on the composiotnally from there. The image itself might have looked simpler if I had got rid of the top layer of bottles. Looking back I think that top layer throws that narrtive off slightly. Visually it is another complex image, meaning that there are a lot of dark tones and different compositions. Not that this is a bad thing, but it dose take too long for an editoral time frame in which to create this.

It was also a challegeing artical to illustrate becuase the man who it is written about ided as a result of being exposed to the nurve agent. So it again needed to be handeld with sensitivity. Becuase of the highten attention and contrivery surrounding the subject at the moment , I think that this has possibly be a underlying resitiction too. A fear of taking somthing too far or miss interpirtation.
Overall , sequencal illustraiton is defently a strength that I am suprised at and need to work on. But I need to work out how create image that can be flow well between animation and image. I would have also of like to make the smoke/vapors move.

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