The image is in responce to an artical from the new scientist about russian spy ring using a system called steganography, which is when coading or messages are hidden within images. The concept behind my image is, the image is layed out like a google images page, with scroller and search bar. But the images all relate to the idea of steganorgraphy and the manipulation of these images.
Some of the images are quite conceptual. For example the red circle represents the spy ring and the left hand box above that repesented the shapes of written coad.
If I had more time I would work the black into the image more. I decided to add the black into certain sections and not to add variation in tone in the image and make parts bolder , but the room image needed to be bolder.
My intial intention was to screen print this , I overlayed screen print texture and managed to do it so it was even across the whole images. So I though a more effect use of time would be to get this digtially printed A3 and go stright onto working on other ideas. I may screen print this at a later date but with time being so tight it would be a more effective use of time to print this digtially.
When thinking of the ideas for this I was consous of the fact that wanted to try depict the spys neutral way. Depicting them in a way that could be interipited as good or evil could could cause contirousy and offence.
I did want to add a darker tone to the eyes to give them more defintion but it made them look evil.
Another debate I had was weather the image would be too complecated with all the different picutrues inside it. I had to keep the motifs very simple and I think this has worked. But still if I deceid to develop this at a later stage I can pick individual image out and work with them.
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