Friday, 6 April 2018

Character development and experiments with digital screen print texture overlays

This is an experiment with the character of the witch is too see how screen print texture would look overlayed with digital shapes. I have found that in previous images features such as faces when they have been screen printed loose a lot of there detail. Suprisingly this works really well placing the textres over digitally and it dose help to lift the image.It also keeps the presition of the shapes.
Not worrying about the image being made for screen print is a lot less restrictive and I can really get into the process of creating the character and being able to easily make changes and adapt things really quickly.

The main character/ people development that I have started with this image is adding detials to the features of the face. Really quickly and simpley. I think that these defiently add to the character and work well, but depending on the distance of a character in an image the freatures will alter. But I suprised myself with these beucase I didn't think that it would be so quick and easy to do.

I am not sure however weather to keep the eye or not ? Part yes becuase it emphasises the kind of character she is part not becuase I think it makes the image darker and slightly scarier if she has no eyes. Also simplifys things a bit. This is the danger now however, that too much detial an be added.

Simpler shapes have more impact and would work for the cover but for the inside illustrations narrtive and character are the priority. In addition though this method could easily lend it self to developing a short animation ? and as a general note I need to start to really think about how I makes the character positions more dynamic.

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