Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Gif experiments with editorial image

I really wanted to try and make parts of this image move. The individual sections I though could led themselves well to being animated, even if it is just subitally. With papers transfering online I think it is vital to explore the different platforms the image with the articals could take. I forgot how much I actually enjoy making GIFs and how easy it is in photoshops to create short sequences. For a more complicated and refined animation I would have used after effects , but I quite like the jutterness of the movements. Think it works well in the context. It was really hard to try and combines the different elements movement to a speed that would work for all. I struggeld to seperate the different movements so I had to play around. My gif skills need imporvement. I would really like to find a way in which to sperate each elements movement so they can be at different speeds. Because the curser is flashing too quickly and parts of the eyes movement could be slower. But due to all the elements being same timeline I could do this. 

Speed for both these is 0.1 , but the blinking is way too fast.  

This speed is 0.2 and I tried 0.3 but that was too slow. Adding the flickering texture to the pixel image works. I did try to sperate the different pixel layers but struggled to incorporate them into the psd with the timeline on. Also animating the circle was tricky as the different layers kept shifting for some strange reason but evetualy got it to move how I wanted. 

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