Quick selection tolls allows you to select certain parts of the image and colour them in to remove them from the image.
300 d.p.i for printing out.
Using the quick selection tool yo can select a certain part of the image and free transform it so it comes away from the original image.
Adjustments, image , hue saturation. this toll can make images black and white and increase colour.
Increasing colour.
Creating your own brush. Using the magic wand tool you can select the image or part of the image you want to create into a tool . Then go to edit and scroll down to define brush preset.
Inverting the original image, duplicating that layer, enlarging it and setting the settings to mulitply.
This is another one of my 5. I created a new layer and used different textured brush tools and selection tools to paint in certain sections then overlayed that layer with the origial image.
This was a very similar techniques that I used to the last one. However I used the selection tolls to rub out selected areas to create a print like texture. I also adjusted to opacity of the brush and the image, so they would be lighter and blend together well. Also using the hue saturation tool to dull down the blue slightly.
This next image was made by using a mask. to create this you create new layer, then go to layers , create a clipping mask. place linked image onto the new layer and adjust the layer setting till you get the effect you want.
changing the colour.
examples using a fire texture.
Examples of using own brushes.
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