Saturday, 1 April 2017

Project proposal changes

What do you intend to do and why?

‘To whom does design address itself: to the greatest number, to the specialist of an enlightened matter, to a privileged social class?’- Charles Eames.

­I intend to produce a series of 6 screen prints , that represent the social issues of gang culture and the impact this has on young people who are involved. In this brief, I would like to investigate the differences in social classes, and the sterotypes that effect the lower classes, and how this effects the overall view of society . Also, how are these different sectors are viewed within the whole society and how the background effects the people within it. The aspects that are seen as defining them and makes them of that class. However I am going to choose to work away from the stereotypes of the classes as, this brief requires me to make  images that meet with an articals requirements whist also thinking of the viewer and that the image will be viewed on mass. How do I want it to come across? I want to come at this subject from a unique angle and try through my work show the target audience the issues faceing young people in gangs and the detrimential effect that it is having on society.  In previous briefs, I have approached social and political subjects with an editorial point of view, taking into consideration differing points of view and my own, and I would like to keep this approach but I need to make sure it appeals to a wider and more diverse audience, however communicating my own opinions is still vital and is a key element in my practice. The subject of class is a wide and hotly debated area which means that there should be lots of points of veiw, theories and works to start producing ideas from. My main audience that I want to aim for are adults ages 20-30. I primarily want to address young adults as they are the type of people that I think need to be made more aware of issues like this, as there is a lack I believe within society of young people of being politically engaged and don’t recognize wider social problems. Even though it is increasing, it can be improved and it could be currently and in the future it is part of the creative industry and any visual communicators responsibility to highlight significant issues.   

What Themes/Subjects will form the content of your work for this module? This should include theoretical and non-creative based content and concerns. This section should identify your consideration of the social, cultural, ethical and creative concerns of contemporary Illustration practice.

-        How dose an individuals class define them?
-        Why do we still have classes within our society?
-        How are the different classes still viewed within society?
-        Dose social class have a direct line to gang culture ?
-        How dose gang culture effect wide society?

-        How dose classes act compard to one another.
-        The attitudes of the different classes towards each other.
-        Possible way , if any, equality within society could be achieved.
-        Gang culture- how individuals within them are veiwd.

What areas of Illustration do you intend to investigate in relation to the practical and conceptual, production/ distribution of work in response to selected briefs?

I intend to work primarily with print as my main production. I aim to make the prints using suitable stock and a verity of new and different techniques. will help further my practice and open my understanding of working within editorial. I also aim to use colour a lot more in this module. Colour would make the image much more appealing to the buyer and I can use it as a tool to help illustrate the concept behind the images. 

Editoial – addressing articles that contain issues of about stereotyping the lower class and gang culture.

-       Young adults 20-30 – want to promote equality within society , make my age group more aware of this social issue and start a positive conversations about it. 

PRODUCTION/Distribution Methods:
-       Print for example screen printing enables me to recreate the images fast, effectively and consistently. The image remains the same and will allow me to print several editions of the designs.
-       Lino printing, slightly more time consuming but effective for aesthetical purposed but also a strong skill of mine.
-       Digital platforms such as gifs.
-       Including mockups of the final images into magazines , tote bags?, digital platforms- websites and gifs.

Identify areas of professional/creative practices that will inform the contextualization of the work that you produce. This should include specific illustrators, studios, practitioners and products as well as broader creative disciplines and methods of Production /Distribution.

Editorial artist will mainly inform my practice within this module. Looking specifically into the uses of certain image for high impact and sensitive topics. I will also be heavily relying on research that I am carrying out to gage others opinion on the topic and of which to form my own opinion. Also, designer such as Joe Malone who uses Lino as her main method of image making, layering and producing the images.

People of print.
Joe Malone.
Grayson Perry.
Chavs- Owen Jones
The independent.
This is England.
Starred up.
Street style and sound.
The Guardian.
The New York times.
Channel 4 news.
BBC news.

What practical skills do you intend to further develop and apply during your project? What do you intend to use the skills for? Consider extending the use of skills that you already have in order to deliver work of a higher standard as well as identifying new skills that you will need to develop.
I really want to continue my use of print with colour ….

List a selected number of books, articles and texts that are central to your proposed area of practice. These should include a combination of design and non-practice based books, theoretical texts as well as visual publications.

You should include a list of relevant websites.

- The New Yorker- stiff upper lip.
- CHAVS- Owen Jones
- 7 up- 56 up – a series of documentaries about an experiment involving a group of children from different social classes / bckgrounds.
- Adbusters.
- Handsome frank.
- Ohhh deer.
- Athropology.
- street sound style- 4OD.
- NUS- Dose class still exist in the UK?
- …


OUIL 505 - Project Planner

Module Briefing
Studio Brief 1 -
Research & Proposal
carry on continually researching. 
Proposal Planning & Research

re written - look into subject more.
Proposal Submission/Studio Development week

Studio Brief 2 -
Development & Production
start making!!

Studio Development week

Progress Tutorials

Group Feedback

Studio Brief - 3
Presentation & Evaluation

Interim Crit



continue roughing. 

Aim for when you come back to print final designs.
Group Feedback


Assessment Briefing & Final Crit

print finals 
Module Submission
6 finals - screen printed and presented with development work .

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