Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Richard Hawley Disgraceland tour poster final proposed outcome.

I am fairly happy with this outcome. Due to time constraints I wish I had spent longer on this brief as I feel like there is still image possibilities that I haven't explored and would have benefited from doing. I could have come up with a more interesting idea that had a deeper concept. However, I think that the aesthetic of the print fit his music well. The image is quite clam and when listening to his music, that is what I thought but also that it dose have a very reflective , thoughtful element. This is why I have reduced the amount of objects in the shed and why there are birds flying out and above the shed.

The final image is a a completely different idea to original thoughts I had. But I am really glad I did that background research as I think if I would have gone with my original idea it would have been all wrong. This image incorporates his personal life a bit and demonstrates the personal connection he had with his music. I think the colour scheme also links into the atmosphere of clam and thoughtfulness. As well as the patterns around the edge, however I am wondering weather adding the borders in has perhaps made the image too crowed.

I have been able to incorporate his interest in the hatch prints by using my own cut out letters that I made for penguin. I am not to sure about the composition of these , I thing I could have been braver and bolder with this instead of sticking to the frame. But the writing is readable and resembles the letter press style he wanted.

A final point , I kept the wood theme going through out because I was inspired by the song ' Heart of Oak.'  When watching the video it seemed again personal and could have been a reflection of him and his family and there relationship. It is one of his more resent songs and has been publicised quite a bit so could be well know for the audience who attend the tour. Links in quite well with the shed too.

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