Overall the feedback was very positive. It is great to see how much everyone in the group has progressed and how all the work is different.
The key things to come out of the feedback in my work where the strenght in narrtive, compositon , ideas and asethietic. Really please that people picked up on a strength in narrtive and compositon as these are the two things that I have been really trying to push during this module. So im happy that this had been picked up.
In the future working more with just two or three colours is somthing I want to keep on exploring more. People also picked up on the strengths a limited colour pallet brings to the images.
Another piece of feedback was that I should challege myslef to a longer narrtive. This is definetly an option for the furtre , but if I was to try this next , I would ideally have to find a story that had a audio link with it. A part that I need to try and still negosiate with is my reading. I have found having an audio book prevents me from misreading or not understanding the text, where as if I was read without this it takes twices as long and is much less effective. I think with time I will find ways around this as not a lots of the brief I might hopefully get ,will have audio. So longer piece of text are not nesserly hard image wise but reading for me. However if it is a well know text like with the sherlock holmes stories then there are plenty of audios.
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