Saturday, 1 October 2016

Final Zine - Harper Lee.

Over all it was very positive feed back about the Zine: The main feature that people liked the most was the circle frame hiding the face on the next page. Also the darkness of the book, how the dark colours matched the heavy stock that I used. The only criticism that I reserved was that the font could have been developed more to fit in with the mood of the book, and I agree. I could of made the lettering more scratchy and jagged , would have also added to the overall mood of the zine. Over all I am happy with the zine too and as a final experiment I decided to stitch into it a bit and I wish I had more time as I think that this technique really works with the images especially with the more patterned and textured backgrounds. I found it hard to respond so quickly to a brief but it is good as you learn skills and methods in which best to tackle quick briefs such as this one.

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