Saturday, 22 October 2016

After Watching the 13th.

 1865- 2016 - In my personal opinion the american justice system is disgustingly corrupt. There is a server problem of mass incarceration within america jails. One of the reasons being due to the 13th amendment which supposedly abolished slavery , However this dose not apply to criminals. Police are unlawfully arresting African , and Latteno Americans even when there isn't any evidence against them, they are imprisoned and made to work. This group are still targeted due to the past but also due to the allegations of illegal activity such as drug dealing. And whilst the inmates are imprisoned they are made to work.  Another big reason as to why prisons are over full and why the system is so corrupt is due to this:
  • A investment company called ALEC funds huge companies by keeping people in privet prison. 
  • These company consist of pharmaceutical companies and the CCA who profit from the imprisonment. 
  • The money of this company network is now so heavily relayed on, that the numbers of inmates can not go down. As the prisoners are used to work for these companies. 
  • Now when the people are arrested they just admit to commiting the crime because they are so scared of going to prison and police brutality with in the institutions toward them. 
  • However if you a rich you can in a way pay your way out but if you are poor your stuck in the system.
  • The word criminal has been re written in a sesence and slavery has just been re designed for mass imprisonment becomes the slave trade again. 
  • One very important point that an intervene made at the end was , a person said if they lived in the times of 'slavery' they would not tolerate it, 'We are still living in that time , we are tolerating it..'
  • this is why it is important to have movements like black lives matters to highlight the still gapeing floors in america and make people listen!   

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