Friday, 30 March 2018

2nd Bronte print

This image isn't as strong as the last one but is related more to the text. In the section this is based on Lockwood is put into Cathy's old room and has a dream about a childs hand stretching through the window. The image is not a detialed or as accruate to the text as I wanted it to be. It could have been much stronger but I gave myself three days to rough , develop and print this using the same colour palette as the precious image. As a set they work but it is a shame this image isn't as strong as the previous one. Comparing the digital and printed, the digital is stronget. The mood is reflected clearly through the colours and the smaller elements of the image are sharper. I didn't really use a base lino print for this becuase when I tried with the lino print eariler it was really restrictive trying to incorporate that into this image so decied to scrap that and just create the room dgitially. One thing that is bothering me slightly about this mini series of images is that I am spending a lot of time developing and preparing the images for screen print , and if I was to digtially print I would have more time to spend on developing the image. The reason I am not doing a third image based of Wuthering Highs is becuase I have done a lot of image based around this time period and need to move on. I need to have greater diversity in my protfolio but I have loved making these image and I now know how I can push other images further. Also my narrtive skills ahve improved quite a bit and it is somthing that I need to keep pushing becuase I want to be stronger and more ambitos with the image I create.

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