Tuesday, 6 March 2018

New print experiment

This print was made in the space of a couple of days and is based on the title of a story I found that is about an old lady and her parrot.
The intention of this image was to just get my brain working again. I have had a serious block in my thinking and finding a narrative resource to work with.  But the making of this image wasn't hard and it came quite naturally. This surprised me as I have been seriously struggling but I think working with no pressures of the image being for a certain thing and making it purely for the enjoyment helped massively.

Overall I am happy with the content of the image. It helps to keep making images like this as I can see how I could be more adventurous with composition and areas that need more development.e.g. the old women in this instance.
However, I am starting to question weather screenprinting this image is worth it. Particularly with this images, the colours are off in the print but in the digital version (2nd down) they are bolder and there is a clear difference between them. But with digital it does reduce the print aesthetic. Print makes everything a bit looser and if the colours matched makes for a richer aesthetic and appeal. but with digital, you have a lot of control over the process.

Changes that need to made lie in the colours. I used the same colours for this as I did with the Sherlock Holmes simply because I had them ready to use. I would change these colours to more pastel pinks, yellows, and purples. Much softer as the colours to make the image look less dark.

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