The themes and subject matters that I tend to address in my
work cover the topics that relate to social and political issues. I normally
take the approach of doing in- depth research into subjects and from this I
develop ideas. Working with these subject areas, you must consider the
audience, possible reactions and the content of the image. Tackling social
subjects that are related to race, class or religion are very heavy going and
an aim for myself in the module is to try and step away from the serious and go
toward lighter subject matters. With the practical development of these ideas I
use print processes such as lino and screen which give successful results. However
this is very time consuming and with one sector of illustration I’m interested
in , editorial, and using my current process ,the turnaround wouldn’t be quick
enough. Within my approach to documenting the work and research I find having a
material with which I can write and dot down ideas helpful. The blog is useful
for this however writing too much is an issue. Taking the writing out of the
blog into book form could be a good alternative and help me to condense down
the key points. But the blog is still useful for posting development images. It
makes it easier to look back pick up failings or ideas that could be taken
further. However, going back to point of a more light heart approach, within
this module I want to add a more experimental approach to my practise. I want
to explore printed textile and more ascetical driven ideas. As I am finding,
working constantly with difficult subjects can make my ideas dry. By creating
and making for ‘vanity projects’ I’ll be able to play around and develop
technique more, with the aim of improving the images I make. Process lead
practise will still be essential to how I work. I find using process to develop
ideas very effective and by the end of this module and as a practitioner this
is something I would like to be identified as. My aim at the end is to be an
illustrator that is able to create ascetically pleasing designs for commercial
use e.g. textiles and product, but also still work in the editorial sector. Not
in political and social issues but more creative magazines and articles. Currently
I still feel like my practise is wavering slightly and I haven’t settled yet on
a process that I am happy with and can be applied to different sectors and keep
its core visual signature. One way around this is to simply play, have a re
brand and develop work that had an identifiable continuity.
My plan in for
project management is to section certain days a week to work on the different
modules and projects. This may however change due to factors such as external
meeting with clients , so then I will need to schedule in catch-up time.
My aims for this module:
Work with light heart subjects light hearted.
Do more ‘vanity porjects.’
Develop through play and experimentation a
flexible and consistent visual signature/ process that can be applied to the
different sectors of illustration.
Increase professional identity.
Build an effective network from sectors
mentioned above.
Have confidence in my process.
Have fun !
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