Friday, 2 December 2016

4th Print

  I have set myself at least the deadline of getting at least 2 prints done by the end of the week because I would ideally like to have 5 finished ish prints by the Mega Crit next Friday , this will give me Christmas to work on the after effects and the other modules.  As a result of this time constraint I decide to play around on Photoshop with my existing lino cut rather then cutting a new one to save time. I found it a lot easier to work out compositions on Photoshop , it was easier to visualise and play around to see where things fit best. It was through experimenting with the already cut shapes that I made this image. I am really happy with how when I mirrored the person they formed the shape of lungs. The lungs are suppose to represent life or a right to life. The circle of leaves fitted perfectly onto the peoples back and the roots/shoots tie these two elements together.  Using the patterns within the people to help shape the lungs I think is a good idea and dose give a more collaged effect but could be seen to overcomplicate the image slightly. I wanted to be a bit more brave with colour , and using colour to highlight the lung shapes works well. Orange still, even though in other prints it is meant to represent jail, in this one it is more for continuity for the final set.

Using Photoshop to get ideas running was a good idea and one that I should use more often. It is much quicker and easier than trying to work it out through drawing. Planning to do the final print is a similar way as, this is probably one of the more successful prints in the set, but I'll hold fire till group feed back.  

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