Sunday, 28 August 2016

Black Lives Matter Movement.

Black Lives Matter campaign has moved to the UK in response to the vast growth of it's support in the US. The campaign aims to highlight a crisis in the way black people are treated. These are the reasons protesters have given as to why the movement has started in the UK:
"We know that in the UK there have been over 1500 deaths in police custody. Many of those are black people," says Natasha.
"We also know black people are 37 time more likely to be stopped and search by the police.
"We know there has been a 57 % increase in racist hate crimes since Brexit.
"So we believe that we are in a crisis; that black lives in the UK are in a considerable amount of danger - shown by these facts."-(Referance-
These Protests are happening due to incidences where black people have said to have been mistreated and in some cases die in police custody. Historically been mistreated and the shootings currently in America.  This artical by the BBC gives argument into weather the movement is needed in the UK.

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