Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Observational drawings.1.

 First day of observational Drawings- around Leeds uni campus, park and lion statues.

  • I really like this sketch because ,  I have used different materials(pencil and brush pen.) and it has given me a really good idea of the material which worked the best when trying to create fast drawings. The brush pen drawings are definitely worked better then the pencil. By using a brush pen it encouraged me to be less precious over what I was attempting to draw and I was able to change the thinness and thickness of lines much more easily then with a pencil, which allowed me to include different variations of line work.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  • This is a building within the uni campus. I like the line work in this one , but I found as I was drawing it , the ink in my brush pen started to run out and the lines that I was creating stared to have a really nice texture due to this. So I used the pen to quickly shade in certain areas and gave the drawing  along with texture ,a very sketch rough effect, which I think looked really nice.     

  • Same materials were used in this image as well to the same effect.

  • Wasn't so happy with this one need more practice in drawing people because features are not clear and it seems a bit all over the place and out of proportion. I think next time if I try to draw more people next time then i will get more confident at it.

I used brush pen for the rest of the drawings I did today and I am happy with the results, but next time I need to experiment with more materials nit just brush pen, oil pastel, charcoal or colored pencils may also work as well. Experiment more with mediums and get more confident with observational drawing, actually look at the object closely , don't just imagine certain aspects of the object that are not there, which I can see that I have done in some of these drawings. 

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Wear a mask of yourself -Brief- post 3 final image.

Final images.

  • Choosing a final image is hard because as I began to experiment taking photos in the location I discovered , I think that both masks worked well and so I have decided show these two final image.

  • Evaluation of project:
  • Even though I have decided to show two complete images , I think that this image , the confused face, communicates the clearest. Because through experimenting with the location , I was able to find a location that worked for both. The confusion in this image is caused by thinking of which direction to take for the signs behind, which also blended in well with the paper bag and helps make the image a hole rather the two separate parts of an image . 
  • What I have learnt from doing this project is that I should have experimented/played more with the original idea , tested more places before changing it. However coincidentally changing the idea brought me to a solution. Also have more confidence in my ideas and develop them more , and focusing on one idea.  Over all I'm really happy with the way both ideas and location have worked out. 

Wear a mask of your self -Brief- post 2

Testing and Development. 

  • This was the initial final mask design. The design has been painted on by acrylics and black ink. I think that these are really effective materials because they allowed me to use bold solid colors which would be effective up close and from a distance. And when they are photographed will look striking and it will be clear that they are the main focal point of the image.  

  • Test photo before taking the final photo and in not so sure that it is communicating confusion. I'm not so happy with the outcome and I think I could have done a better job, the idea isn't good enough and I can make more used of the idea of taking the final image in a location.

  • As a result I took the risk of changing my idea. However this owl design is something I came up with in an answer to a summer brief . An owl represents me in the way of character. I own owls and I think that they a fanatic creatures, they are curious , silly , funny and clumsy and I think that I have some of these characteristics. I decided to do the bird in bright blue again for effect and kept the materials the same, also added cardboard cut outs around the outside for texture and shape. 

  • Problems faced on location(local park) include the lighting of the image, because I was using natural light I was hard to find a lighting in which the mask could be seen clearly , also the materials that I used reflected the light and so made it harder to get a clear image.
  • To solve the problem I mainly relayed on shadows from leaves and branches of trees, which worked well in relation natural habitat of the creature on the mask and also the varied tones it created.  

Wear a mask of your self- Brief.

Initial Ideas:

  • This is a rough idea sheet I did , testing colors and ideas of what the mask could be. I originally wanted to do an animals mask but changed my mind because I wanted to challenge my self and decided to find another way to make the mask represent me. Always asking the question, how dose this represent me?

  • This next idea is made up of these little characters and they are supposed to represent the  emotions or ideas going on in my head. My aim was,  I wanted to communicated the idea of confusion , because as a person I can get confused easily. So I had the idea of drawing lots of these in different colors, running about in a confusing manor on the paper bag  , but thought that may to to complicated and therefore would loose what I was trying to communicate and the original idea of a mask , not not a piece of illustration on a paper bag.

  • I simplified it down to two eyes and a nose, because now it looks more like a face , but also because the features are draw big , it allows me to add the characters into these features. So when you look at the face initially you see the face but when you look closer you then see the characters and they help to communicate more clearly, through the way they stand and there actions.