First day of observational Drawings- around Leeds uni campus, park and lion statues.
- I really like this sketch because , I have used different materials(pencil and brush pen.) and it has given me a really good idea of the material which worked the best when trying to create fast drawings. The brush pen drawings are definitely worked better then the pencil. By using a brush pen it encouraged me to be less precious over what I was attempting to draw and I was able to change the thinness and thickness of lines much more easily then with a pencil, which allowed me to include different variations of line work.
- This is a building within the uni campus. I like the line work in this one , but I found as I was drawing it , the ink in my brush pen started to run out and the lines that I was creating stared to have a really nice texture due to this. So I used the pen to quickly shade in certain areas and gave the drawing along with texture ,a very sketch rough effect, which I think looked really nice.
- Same materials were used in this image as well to the same effect.
- Wasn't so happy with this one need more practice in drawing people because features are not clear and it seems a bit all over the place and out of proportion. I think next time if I try to draw more people next time then i will get more confident at it.
I used brush pen for the rest of the drawings I did today and I am happy with the results, but next time I need to experiment with more materials nit just brush pen, oil pastel, charcoal or colored pencils may also work as well. Experiment more with mediums and get more confident with observational drawing, actually look at the object closely , don't just imagine certain aspects of the object that are not there, which I can see that I have done in some of these drawings.